Feb 23, 2014

"Just a Friend" by Jamie Grace

Hey y'all!

I heard this absolutely adorable and awesome song the other day, called "Just a Friend" by the insanely talented Jamie Grace.  (I saw her live in concert a few months ago and she was AWESOME.)  It talks about how God has the perfect man out there for you, and if you follow Him, He'll lead you in the right direction.  Check it out!  :)


P.S.  Sorry for the short post!  ;P


  1. I've gone though that before. :) And It has changed my life! :D I LOVE know God has EVERY thing in His hands! Have you ever heard the song "Faithfully" by Eric and Leslie Ludy? I love that song! :D

    1. No, I've never heard that song before! I'll have to check it out! ;D


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