P.S. Sorry for the short post! ;P
Feb 23, 2014
"Just a Friend" by Jamie Grace
P.S. Sorry for the short post! ;P
Hey, I see you're about to comment! Commenting is great...in fact, I highly encourage you to comment. It makes me feel like I'm actually talking to someone other than myself. Seriously.
Even though I've made it obvious that I love it when you guys comment, you need to make sure that your comments meet a few ground rules. So, always, before you submit your comment, check to make sure that it fits under the 4 rules I have listed below.
1) No cussing/cursing/swearing.
2) Be nice. Seriously. Bullying is NOT COOL.
3) Be appropriate. This blog is open to people of all ages, so make sure you keep your comments appropriate for ALL AGES.
4) Have fun! :D
If you break any of the rules above, I'll personally make sure you never comment on this blog again. ;)
I've gone though that before. :) And It has changed my life! :D I LOVE know God has EVERY thing in His hands! Have you ever heard the song "Faithfully" by Eric and Leslie Ludy? I love that song! :D
No, I've never heard that song before! I'll have to check it out! ;D