Jun 9, 2014

Random/Awesome Songs #2! :)

Hey guys!

Since I'm bored I thought I'd make another random songs post, this one with a few more songs.  

Hope you like 'em!  :)


Jun 8, 2014

Life Lately

Hey guys!  :)

I'm sorry for the lack of posting lately.  >.<  Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you guys or the blog, I've just been too lazy to type up a post.  xP 

Anyway I'm back now, and should be posting more often.  School is officially out, which means I don't have to deal with homework, teachers, and getting up early until late August.  Thank goodness.  It has been nice to just chill.  I've done a lot of reading, playing outside, and listening to music.  I've enjoyed it.  :)

My summer will be getting a little crazy, though, because of birthdays and planned vacations.  I'll get to hang out until this Friday, when my dad and I plan to take a motorcycle trip to my grandparent's house, who live about 2-3 hours away.  (We're also celebrating my mom's birthday this Wednesday.)  We're staying one night, then heading back home the next day.  Then, of course, we will celebrate Father's Day.  Then, that upcoming Friday, my family and I will take off to Charleston, West Virginia, where we're staying the night.  (I'm not really sure what we're going to be doing there though...I've done some research and it doesn't seem like there's much to do.  xp)  Anyway, after staying there one night, we're meeting up with my other grandparents who live in Tennessee, about 10 hours from where I live, and my parents are handing me over to them.  I'm staying in Tennessee with my grandparents for a week, and then, the day before my birthday, my grandparents are driving me back up here, and they're going to stay a couple of days and celebrate my birthday. 

Then, right after that, is the 4th of July, which is also my little brother and my dad's birthday.  So, we'll be making the 2-3 drive up to my other grandparent's house (in a car this time) to celebrate the 4th.  We'll stay a few days then head back home.

THEN, sometime in late July, we're taking a mini-vacation, which my parents haven't really planned out yet.  >.<  After that, the rest of the summer will be normal, and my brother and I will go back to school.  :(

BUUUT, that's not all we have planned!  On the first week of October, my little brother and I are taking a week off of school and my parents are taking a week off of work and we're going to...the beach!  Yay!  We'll be renting a beach house and driving up to a beach in North Carolina for a week and just chilling, while all of my friends are stuck at school doing work hehehe.  ;)

So, yeah, that's that!  Today's a rainy day, so I haven't been doing much; just sitting around being a slug.  ;p

How has your summer been so far?


P.S.  I'm planning on doing more music posts like the one I did before...maybe I'll do one tomorrow?  

Apr 26, 2014

Random/Awesome Songs

Hey y'all!  

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.  It's the same excuse as always:  I've been busy.  I have some big tests at school coming up in a couple of weeks, so I've been preparing myself for those.  

Anyway, I just thought I'd share some cool songs that I've heard lately.  Not the most exciting post, I know, but whatever.  ;P

I hope you like them!  :)


Apr 6, 2014


I just now happened to realize how long it's been since I've last posted on here.  Sorry!  I've been busy, if you can call it that.  Spring break was the week before last, which I spent working on homework.  Why, you ask?  Well, the school district got the idea to create the one and only BLIZZARD BAGS, which is homework your teachers send home to make up for snow days.  :/  So, I spent all of my spring break finishing my flipping blizzard bags, which took me absolutely forever to complete.  Sounds fun, huh?  And, even after a whole WEEK of working on them, I'm STILL not done.  Kill me now.  

This weekend was fun though!  My grandpa needed help paying his taxes, so my dad, little brother, and I got to hang out at my grandparent's house this weekend.  I passed the time by watching YouTube videos and listening to music with my cousin and watching "Frozen" with my grandma.  (Adorable movie-check it out.)  So, yeah.  That was fun.  :)


P.S.  This blog is almost at one THOUSAND views!  :D

Mar 12, 2014

Wazzup 8)

Hey y'all!

Long time no see, eh?  ;)  You have no idea how much HOMEWORK I've had lately.  I swear, the stress is gonna kill me.  I just had a big test in social studies today and I have another one in math tomorrow. Oh, and I've got a science quiz coming up on Friday.  Kill me.  Please.  Since we've had so many snow days this winter, we've had to cram loads of work into our schedule before spring break, and it's been driving me crazy.  I'm about ready to strangle my teachers. 

Aaanyways, enough of that.  Believe it or not, it's actually been fairly warm this week.  It got up to 70 degrees yesterday, and it's been in the 50s since Saturday.  Unfortunately, though, the temperature is supposed to drop drastically by tomorrow, and we're supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow tonight.  Of course.  I should've seen it coming.  I can't remember the last time we've had a whole week of warm weather.  It'd be nice, but, it's pretty hard to imagine it happening anytime soon.  :L

So, yup.  That's that.  I wish I had some super cool, exciting story to tell you guys, but, unless you think hundreds of pounds of homework is "exciting", then I've got nothin'.  


P.S.  Check out my newest story blog HERE!  :)

Mar 1, 2014


Hey y'all.

I was finally beginning to think that spring was coming along.  It was consistently sunny, warm, and absolutely gorgeous outside, and I was highly convinced there wouldn't be any more winter weather this year.  Boy, was I wrong.

Tonight/tomorrow, we're supposed to get 4-8 inches of snow and 2-3 inches of ice.  WHAT.  THE.  HECK.  And I thought the worst was over.  I don't think I've ever been more wrong in my life.  I was supposed to have a friend over tonight, but the weather has cancelled that plan, which really upset me because I haven't been able to hang out with her in a while.  I'm just so insanely sick of this terribly cold, terribly snowy, and terribly icy winter.  It's been one of the worst winters I have ever experienced in my life.  And that's not something to be proud of.

 Oh, and, on a random note, I heard this song for the first time ever the other day and laughed so hard I was bawling.  Considering I'm a blonde, it totally fit me.  Hehe.  ;)


Feb 23, 2014

"Just a Friend" by Jamie Grace

Hey y'all!

I heard this absolutely adorable and awesome song the other day, called "Just a Friend" by the insanely talented Jamie Grace.  (I saw her live in concert a few months ago and she was AWESOME.)  It talks about how God has the perfect man out there for you, and if you follow Him, He'll lead you in the right direction.  Check it out!  :)


P.S.  Sorry for the short post!  ;P

Feb 16, 2014

Blog Renovation

Hey guys!

You may have noticed the little "changes" that I made to the blog.  I was a little sick of the wintry theme, so I changed the background to something a little more simple and, well, less wintry!  ;)

I also changed the blog music.  I found these really cool song mix-ups on SoundCloud made by a dude called "DJ Earworm", and three of his songs are now the new blog music.

So, what do you guys think of the renovations?  Comment your opinions below!  :3


Feb 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hey guys!  :)

Happy Valentine's Day!  It's so hard to believe that it's this time of year again.  Seriously.  Wasn't it just Christmas, like, a week ago?!  Haha.  ;)

So, believe it or not, we actually had school for a whopping THREE days in a row this week!  Whoa!  Trust me, I'm just as surprised as you are.  It actually feels really good to get back into a normal schedule again.  Sure, I enjoyed my days off, but I'm actually really glad to be back at school.  (And, trust me, I don't say that often.)  The only hard part about it has been getting up at 6 o'clock in the morning.  You should have seen me today.  I felt and probably looked like a zombie.  Ha.  ;P

Love y'all!  ;D


Feb 6, 2014

It's February!

Hey y'all!  :3

I'm sorry for the lack of posting lately.  I can't say I've been busy, I guess I've just been too lazy to sit down and post.  Lol.  ;)

So, life is still really slow and boring right now.  Everything is still the same. SNOW, SNOW, SNOW.  COLD, COLD, COLD.  Let's see, today is Thursday, which means the last day I went to school was 3 days ago, on Tuesday.  We didn't have school on Monday, Wednesday, or today.  And we're probably not going to have it tomorrow.  *sighs*

Well...my life is so boring and uneventful right now that there is literally nothing else to say.  Nothing.  I've told you everything that's happened lately already.  We had a snow day.  Then we had a snow day again.  And, guess what?  We had another snow day.  :L

So, with that being said, stare at this sorta-funny GIF until your eyeballs fall out.

Hehe that was exactly how I reacted last night when my dad was starting an episode of "Faceoff" without me.  Hehe.


P.S.  Hey, SeaSavvy, do you watch Faceoff?

Jan 28, 2014

Snow Days

The title of this post pretty much explains it all:  snow days.  That about sums up the past couple days of my life.  School was cancelled yet again today and we've already heard that it will be cancelled (again) tomorrow.  Meh.  It has been so cold you'd think you were living in the North Pole.  Today the temperature dropped as low as -5 degrees F and it's supposed to get down to 9 degrees tomorrow.  But, on Thursday, it's supposed to warm up to a whopping 30 degrees (which will feel insanely warm compared to the subzero temperatures we've been having) and on Friday it's supposed to get up to around 40 degrees.  Thank goodness.

So, as you can see, I've not being doing much of anything lately, much less anything exciting.  I've just been sitting around reading, daydreaming, and doodling.  Yup.  Welcome to my super exciting life.  x)

I did get to get out of the house a little bit today though.  My mom had to run a few errands, so my little brother and I got to tag along.  Better than being cooped up in the house with nothing to do I guess.  We met my dad at a Mexican restaurant while he was on his lunch break, and after that we ran by the library and my mom did some work-related stuff on her laptop while my brother browsed through some books and I listened to my iPod.  There was this girl my age there that kept on glaring at me (may I mention I didn't even know her), and it really freaked me out.  O-O

Yup.  There you have it.  xP


Jan 27, 2014


Um, so some of you guys may have noticed that all of my posts on this blog were deleted.  Yeah, I don't know how that happened either.  I logged onto my Blogger, opened up my dashboard, and all of my posts were gone.  Uh, okay, I guess I'll be starting from scratch then?  >.<
Anyway, there's about 4 inches of snow on the ground and school has been cancelled.  Hey, I'm not complaining.  I'd much rather be bored here at home than at school.  When I'm bored here at home, I can take a nap.  At school?  Not so much.

So, um, yeah.  That's about it.  ^-^
