Mar 12, 2014

Wazzup 8)

Hey y'all!

Long time no see, eh?  ;)  You have no idea how much HOMEWORK I've had lately.  I swear, the stress is gonna kill me.  I just had a big test in social studies today and I have another one in math tomorrow. Oh, and I've got a science quiz coming up on Friday.  Kill me.  Please.  Since we've had so many snow days this winter, we've had to cram loads of work into our schedule before spring break, and it's been driving me crazy.  I'm about ready to strangle my teachers. 

Aaanyways, enough of that.  Believe it or not, it's actually been fairly warm this week.  It got up to 70 degrees yesterday, and it's been in the 50s since Saturday.  Unfortunately, though, the temperature is supposed to drop drastically by tomorrow, and we're supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow tonight.  Of course.  I should've seen it coming.  I can't remember the last time we've had a whole week of warm weather.  It'd be nice, but, it's pretty hard to imagine it happening anytime soon.  :L

So, yup.  That's that.  I wish I had some super cool, exciting story to tell you guys, but, unless you think hundreds of pounds of homework is "exciting", then I've got nothin'.  


P.S.  Check out my newest story blog HERE!  :)

Mar 1, 2014


Hey y'all.

I was finally beginning to think that spring was coming along.  It was consistently sunny, warm, and absolutely gorgeous outside, and I was highly convinced there wouldn't be any more winter weather this year.  Boy, was I wrong.

Tonight/tomorrow, we're supposed to get 4-8 inches of snow and 2-3 inches of ice.  WHAT.  THE.  HECK.  And I thought the worst was over.  I don't think I've ever been more wrong in my life.  I was supposed to have a friend over tonight, but the weather has cancelled that plan, which really upset me because I haven't been able to hang out with her in a while.  I'm just so insanely sick of this terribly cold, terribly snowy, and terribly icy winter.  It's been one of the worst winters I have ever experienced in my life.  And that's not something to be proud of.

 Oh, and, on a random note, I heard this song for the first time ever the other day and laughed so hard I was bawling.  Considering I'm a blonde, it totally fit me.  Hehe.  ;)
